
so, i woke up to the news that Ray Charles was dead. not exactly a happy thought.

work turned out to be extremely explosive again (although not as bad as yesterday). luckily it all got sorted out now, BUT, i didn’t have the time to walk by crescent and see all the F1 fun-stuff they have there every year. a few guys around here went and obviously they all came back talking about all the hot cars and hot babes. one guy even stated that the outfits they were wearing were just too skin tight. he followed up with “when their clothes are so tight you can read their lips, they’re on TOO tight”. we’ll leave it at that.

and speaking of leaving, i’m glad to be doing so. honestly, it’s been an overall bad/ overwhelming/ stressful week at work and i’ll be glad for the break. not that there isn’t work to do at home, but at least that’s all about upkeeping the house which is always good (the stained deck, btw, is really incredible). so off i go to catch the metro/bus to pick up the car and get the kids!

enjoy the sunshine! someone should…

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