– Wow. Ronald Reagan died on Saturday at 93 after fighting Alzheimer’s for 10 years… A little shocking.
– A friend of mine emailed me to let me know that her daughter won the MVP award for 2003-2004 in Track & Field last week. She also received awards for soccer and basketball – her other two passions. At the SSIAA track & field meet held in St-Jean on the 19th and 20th of May, she placed 1st in Javelin, 2nd in 100m Hurdles, and 5th in High Jump. And this past weekend, she got gold in Javalin. Very cool beans 🙂
– I had a strong moment of dizziness just before lunch. Felt the world explode in my brain and energy completely drain from my body. Seems like I needed a shot of sugar. I headed out to Second Cup and got myself a coffee and a date square. Helped.
– Almost 2pm and I find myself quite tired. Energy drain. Definitely looking forward to being on vacation at the end of the month…
My mind is somewhat set on rambling mode right now. Thought patterns just jumping around all over the place… We’re getting an estimate for installing a fence tonight. I tell ya, it’ll feel great to finally have a fenced in back yard. That way, the dog can run free without us worrying where it’s going, and, I won’t have to (hopefully) see much of my neighbors 🙂