So yesterday afternoon was the Volunteers Tea at my kids’ school. I was invited again this year and was more at ease than my first year. Spent most of the time talking with my fellow Parent Council members and had a nice time. Near the end of the get together, I get introduced to James’ teacher who immediately tells me that she and my daughter’s teacher had been looking for me! She goes and gets her and we’re finally introduced. They both take a seat next to me and we begin talking about the kids and how they’re doing and how much they love Chantale (James often talks about the Wedding, Melyssa always ensures that whenever it’s an appropriate special day (birthday or Mother’s Day) that she makes something for her, etc) and it is great to hear.
Melyssa’s teacher tells me about how well she’s doing and then we go on to discuss the current situation with her mother. Strangely enough, the teacher is in the same boat as her husband (also a Mike) has a child from a previous union and thus all the horror stories Chantale and I live through are reflected in them as they go through very similar ones! All the while we’re discussing some of the things I had to go through (financial difficulties, courts taking the mother’s side on every issue, etc), James teacher is in complete shock. Ah, the joy of ignorance. I, too, truly wish I didn’t know ANYTHING about custody issues. What a lovely boat that would be to ride in. Anyhow, it was very nice to be able to discuss things with someone who is ALSO living through it.
James’ teacher told me a bit about what he was doing and when I mentioned that the only thing I know of what he does comes from his pink notes, she waved them away and said, “those notes are just a small part of life. James is really a bright kid, he’s smart, very outgoing, helpful,” and she continued for a bit more 🙂 I brought up his reading and she exclaimed how great a reader he is. Melyssa’s teacher also chimed in on how he’s a great reading buddy (the grade 4 kids help the grade 1 kids with their reading) and I also commented on how much he enjoys doing that.
So, overall, I was hoping to have some time to speak with them, but I was overjoyed to have been able to actually sit and converse! In fact, I feel like I got more out of them than a couple of years worth of official 5-minute Parent/Teacher regular interviews! 🙂 Plus, the fact that they came looking for me was really, really nice. 🙂