First off, thank you everyone for your birthday wishes! It was great getting Birthday messages as it’s been quite some time since it happened (the greetings, not the birthday, wise guys 🙂 )
The weekend turned out to be great outside of some minor irritations. For example, we were all set to camp in the back yard on Friday night but the storm that hit was SO major it ripped it right out of the ground and I had to fight the wind and rain to drag it into the garage. Outside of that, though, it was a great time:
Saturday morning we got up early and hit the road to Ottawa. Went shopping at Old Navy (great clothes!) then picked up some food at Tim Horton’s and had a small picnic on the grounds of the Science Museum.
Sunday morning, the kids and I headed to church and did some shopping afterwards. We got back to the house to find it full of friends and family! Chantale nailed me with a surprise birthday party!! The first one I EVER had in my life!! How incredible is this woman I am so lucky enough to call my wife, partner, and soul mate? 🙂 It was a great day for a barbeque and I had a blast. The food was wonderful, the event lots of fun, and the theme? Ah, the theme was just too funny for words. What theme would be good for a comics fan? Super Heroes of course 🙂 We had Spider-Man and Hulk table settings and party favors, with a giant Justice League Adventures Ice Cream Cake (oooh baby!). I was spoiled rotten 🙂
In keeping with the display of gifts, here’s the Olympus Stylus digital camera given to me by Chantale, my folks, and my in-laws. 🙂