So much happened this weekend but I don’t really have the time to write it all up! However, as quickly as I can, here are the highlights:
Picked the kids up early on Friday and the Beavers Investing was truly something special. Melyssa was SO excited to have gotten her scarf and allowed to wear her hat. I don’t remember the last time I saw her so happy and bouncy 🙂
Sadly, that same night, she got hit with a nasty bug. When we got home from dropping Chantale off at her parents, they went to bed and continued the sleeping they’d been doing in the car. I was on the phone with Chantale until almost 2am before I went to bed. At 3am, Melyssa comes into my room complaining of a neck and tummy ache. I have her stay with me for a bit but she can’t calm down. We go to the bathroom to check her temperature and she ends up throwing up (on the floor before I got her to the bowl). Poor kid. After cleaning up and cleaning up, I get her to bed. Within a half hour, she’s up still feeling sick. I get her to the bathroom again and she clears herself out. Phew! Back to bed by about 4am. At 5am, she’s throwing up in bed, not having been able to get to the bucket by her bed. I’m there, cleaning up, helping her out and changing her clothes. I get her settled in bed and go dump all the sheets in the washing machine. I didn’t care it was 5am, those sheets needed cleaning! Back to bed… and back up at 6am as she threw up again. *sigh* By the time she finally got back up at 9am, she was feeling much better. With half a toast in her, we went to Beavers simply because I felt she needed some air and there wouldn’t be any jarring activity for her. When we got back home, she didn’t want lunch, just sleep. She basically slept the entire afternoon. She was sick again by the time we got back to Chantale’s parents but, happily, by about 7pm, she was eating properly. Sunday she was completely normal.
Saturday night after the kids were in bed, Chantale and I played Lord of the Rings RISK (did I mention I picked it up? 🙂 ). It was a blast! By 2am, I begged off as Sunday was going to be another busy day. 2 Activity Highlights come to mind for Sunday: I took James and Melyssa to see Harry Potter with some other Beaver friends. Melyssa was somewhat bored by it (too young to get into it I guess) but James absolutely loved it! His review: Wicked Cool 🙂
The second highlight was watching the Als win the Grey Cup 🙂 After dropping the kids off, I went back to Chantale’s parents house and we all watched the game, chilling with some excellent food and excellent coffee. I also got a BIG thrill out of seeing my Standard Life commercial come on the air during the 3rd quarter 🙂 Makes me wish I had taped the entire game so I could have a piece of television history in which *I* actually made an appearance!! 🙂
Ok, out of time now. More much later!