Party-on, Dudes!

Feels like I haven’t been here in ages… and yet, it’s only been 6 days or so 🙂

Was out at Manoir des Sables in Magog on an IT Strategic Review meeting on Thursday / Friday. Very productive, and quite a needed break from the day-to-day issues. Lots of stuff came out of it which was presented to the employees yesterday. In the good/bad news, I now have a new employee reporting to me (bringing the Team up to a total of 7 -if you remember, we were a team of 4 at one point) but with him comes an application that still requires a lot of hand-holding. It’s a nice/new challenge to get this app under control, though, so that’s a great possibility.

This weekend, my in-laws moved into their new house in St. Lazare. The kids were with me as well and we all had a blast moving (well, as much fun as you can have moving 🙂 ). By the time Sunday night came, we were all wiped. I remember driving the kids back on Sunday night and beginning to tear up. I told them, “You know, I really hate the fact that I start to miss you guys as soon as I start driving you back (and reach the bridge to laval)”. James was surprised at this and when I further explained how I feel we don’t see each other enough he answered that he also wishes we could see each other more. I told them how much Chantale and I both wanted them around more often and how many things we want to do with them… *sigh* 5 and a half years later and I still feel this much pain…

Anniversaries! I thought it funny to mention how this past weekend was full of them. Last week (april 27th to be precise) marked 3 years that Chantale had fully moved in with me (versus living with me for periods of time). Twenty years ago this weekend, my in-laws moved into their old house in Pierrefonds. Now, they moved into their new house. Sunday May 2nd, my niece Alexia turned one year old! It was also the 31st anniversary of the passing of my Grandfather (whom I’m named after). And yesterday, May 3rd, was the one year anniversary of when Chantale and I moved INTO our new home. AND, it marked 5 years that we’ve been together!!

So, last night, I took Chantale out to celebrate. We brought along a bottle of Beringer (2000) (one of the ones you gave us as a gift, Jeff!) to help with the celebrating and had an absolutely wonderful supper at the Vieux Duluth. She had the Chicken Brochette/ Souvlaki, Butterfly Shrimp trio and I had the Atlantic Salmon/ Butterfly Shrimp plate. YUM-MY! 🙂 Let’s just summarize that it was a fantastic and magical evening 🙂

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