I’m a total fucken wreck this morning.
My stomache’s in knots and has been since I took my first waking breath this morning. My jaw’s aching a little since it’s been clenched for quite some time. I’m angry beyond belief and can barely imagine the violence necessary to appease my thirst. I can hardly concentrate on anything outside of what I have to do today and that’s affecting my performance…
I spoke with my Lawyers yesterday and am meeting her this morning. She gave me a little plan of action of what we can do and I’m focusing my energy on believing it’ll work. This afternoon, I’m going back to the Mediators for what I honestly feel will be a waste of time.
I’ll be fucken glad when this day is over. I so need to get away from it all that I can’t wait to be in the car tomorrow driving up to Lac St. Jean to spend Easter with Chantale’s Grandparents…
Good Energy Vibes accepted.