Never Surrender

Well, it happened. Something I honestly never believe could happen actually did. Friday morning, I started having some really bad vibes in regards to the kids. Something kept nagging at the back of my mind in that their mother was up to something no good. As I took the metro to pick up the car to get the kids, I kept going over scenarios of what I could do. Good thing, too, as I actually had to resort to it. This is what I’m talking about:

I got to the school earlier than usual and as I parked the car and approached the front doors, I saw their mother and her mother in a car coming up towards the school. I couldn’t believe my eyes and immediately knew she was there to prevent my picking up Melyssa. A part of me was thinking: “What the hell? She promised the mediator on Monday that there would be no attempts and disrupting anything currently in place while we were in mediation. And yet…” Yeah, and yet, there it was in front of my face. Two-faced bitch in heat anyone?

I caught up to the car and ran to the front door, shocking the shit out of her. She confirmed what she was there to do and I spent the next 10 minutes yelling at her that she has no right to deny my visitation with my kids. I was holding up my end of the bargain by not doing anything untowards the kids during mediation which meant that I was planning on spending the weekend at my parents house again just so I could spend time with my kids! She wouldn’t have it and we made our way into the school. She started yelling like the fucken idiot that she is, screaming that I could call all the cops I wanted (as I had threatened to) but that I was not taking her daughter (melodramatics anyone?).

I walked away quickly out the front door, dialling 9-1-1 and spent the next 5 minutes talking to the guy on the other end. He promised to send a car and I waited. I spoke with the school’s Behavioral Specialist and advised her that the police were coming and that I was sorry it had to come to that. She asked if there was anything she could do or say to get the bitch to calm down and I had to laugh and wish her good luck. The three of them snuck out the back way and I watched the car go by, my poor traumatized daughter’s face pressed to the window in the rear seat. When they were gone, the principal came to get me. It was obviously a new situation with her for me (after all, up until now she’s known me always as the kids’ father and the Council’s Secretary). We went to her office and discussed the situation. They thanked me for taking it all outside and I again had to laugh. I’m not in it for the “audience” and I definitely am not in it to distress any children. We talked about what happened and why and funny enough, the Specialist admitted to knowing about allergy-friendly dogs.

10 minutes later, the police arrived and I went outside to talk to them and fill them in on the details. Unfortunately, it was at this point in time that I finally lost some of my composure. Some. I teared up somewhat but still answered their questions. They tried to call the skank but her line was busy (I told them that was expected since I had warned her I was calling them). I told them about James and that I would go get him and lead them to the house. They explained that they could not physically get Melyssa out of the house but would obviously be available to act as witnesses to this stupid incident. I said that was fine and we made our way there.

At the house, she greeted them with her papers acting like the prima donna bitch she does so well it’s now entirely her. They went inside and I waited in the car with James and left a message with a lawyer. After a few more heated exchanges, she agreed to let Melyssa come with us if I would sign a document stating that I would not expose her to any dogs or cats in the house for this weekend. I had to laugh, I really did. She is such a total fuckhead and I still don’t understand why she keeps throwing out “cats” in our conversations since I would NEVER expose Melyssa to cats. Her cat allergies are way beyond control. That would be way too stupid. Of course, as I signed the note (the most stupid thing you can ever imagine. In fact, it’s so fucken stupid that I just HAVE to share it with the world. I’ll do that at the end of this post) her so-sauve boyfriend came home and walked up the stairs, calling me a “cretin” until the police told him to go inside.

As soon as Melyssa came outside and into my arms, the poor little creature started crying in fear. Once again, traumatized because of that bitch. We walked to the car and the police followed. I thanked them for their help and we left. We made our way to my parents house and I gave them a quick rundown, my adrenaline pumping the entire time. Obviously I didn’t have much of an appetite but what can you do? We hung out together and I got them ready for bed, reading them one of my favorite childhood books (Me and My Flying Machine) and we talked about doing good and having an imagination and never giving up.

I’m telling you, considering the day I had on Friday, to have it followed up by that kind of an afternoon, I was pretty dead come bedtime. The worst part of all this is all the lives and emotions that are affected by this kind of shit. But at least my parents now understand even more about my determination to no longer give in to her. I’m so fucken tired of constantly being controlled by that bitch. I divorced her so I wouldn’t have to see her fucken face every day and to hear her voice. And yet, four years later and she still finds ways to stick it in my life? Disgusting. And I refuse to let it go on any longer. It’ll be a tough 3 months fighting this shit out, but I want it resolved once and for all. I shouldn’t have to be accountable for my time or the kids’ time when they’re with ME on MY court-appointed visitation time.

That is my rant for tonight. I’ve let it out verbally with my parents and my wife, and even spoke with my kids about it all. But now, I needed to write it out to the world so it could take on a life of its own and make its way into the permanance of my journals and life. As I just now told the kids, “10 years from now, if you’re having trouble remembering what life was like in these years, you’ll have plenty of chances to read all about it”. My life might not mean anything to anyone 100 years from now, but at least for those it does mean something to (my kids and my grand-kids), they’ll have a place to find out about me, learn about my trials and tribulations as well as my joys and victories, and learn about me. Me, the person, the father, the lover, the dreamer, the son. … I wish it were possible to read about the life of my own father or grandparents…

Here’s the famous letter. Try to guess why it’s so flawed and actually useless: “April 2, 2004. I, Mike Aragona, that Melyssa Aragona will be in any contact with any animals (dogs & cats) in houses week-end of April 2.3.4 2004. Therefore I sign before witnesses; Agent Beaulieu; Agent Dufresne”

Tell me. What exactly did I agree to do? Expose or Not Expose my daughter? So much for that dim-bulb’s knowledge of the law… 🙂

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