Geez what a fucken day. Do you realize it’s Thursday? And outside of a small update in my review blog, I haven’t posted anything since Monday??
Just really busy with way too much on my mind. But, yesterday, it seemed a good point was reached. I had my last meeting for a special project I’ve been involved in and thus only have to update some docs (we’re talking about 10 minutes of work at this point) and I’m done (not counting a 2-hour meeting to review it all next week). Plus, news of the motherhouse was finally released yesterday in the UK and we all finally know where we stand. And Canada stands strong (as expected).
All this was obviously weighing heavily on my shoulders (along with some other legal matters) and what I ended up doing last night was get rid of a burst of energy by going home, cleaning out the kitchen of all dishes/etc., and doing the last load of laundry. An old friend came over for coffee and to meet Casey and when she left, Chantale and I just relaxed on the couch watching recorded tv shows. Very relaxing.
How do I know about the weight? Easy. We went to bed at pretty much a regular hour and once asleep, I did NOT wake up until Casey whimpered at 5am and woke me. Chantale took care of her and I fell back asleep until 6am when my alarm went off. I turned it off and the second alarm went off at 6:30am. I haven’t slept this much in a long time. Wow.
Today has been a crazy-ass day. Lots to do and Stats-Day as well which means the collection process screws up one way or another. Joy. The Team also went out for lunch to celebrate a birthday. Grumpy Muad’ib decided on Sushi so we headed to Katsura’s and dined on raw fish. I’ve had some before, but not to the extent of today. I admit… I did not finish my plate and gave away about half of it. I think I’ll stick with the Maki instead of all the fish pieces… *groan*
Right now, I’m still debugging and still trying to get my head around some NEW work that was dropped in my lap. I’ve been asked to be the point-man for a new pilot initiative that will necessitate my knowing pretty much EVERYTHING that’s going on in our Group Life & Health systems.
See Mike.
See Mike Get Praises.
See Mike Get More Work.
See Mike Scramble To Get Data.
See Mike’s Head Explode.
Boom Mike, Boom.