Monday monday…

The weekend went by rather quickly, I must say. No sleep (not really possible with a puppy that’s starving and wants to eat at 6:00am 🙂 ) but enjoyable. Friday night, after a week of hell, I almost forcibly took Chantale out for supper 🙂 She needed a little bit of convincing but realizing how we hadn’t spent any real quality time together all week, she knew we needed to go out to keep our sanity. So, we headed to Moe’s on the West Island and had an incredible supper. Wow. It’s actually a rare treat to go there, and we’re always very satisfied, and very full 🙂

Our visit to the Vet on Saturday was a little startling as she found that Casey has a hernia! Why was the first vet unable to see that, I have to ask? Plus, the poor little thing is suffering from worms. Eep. Well, she’s now medicated and on a much better food diet, and so she’s a total bundle of energy. Has taken to climbing stairs like second nature and came upstairs today to play peek-a-boo. Next step: baby barrier for the stairs! ack. 🙂

We did spend a lovely lunch and quality afternoon time with our closest friends Saturday afternoon, and then had supper at Chantale’s parents, followed up with a relaxing evening watching Dogma 🙂 (This lead to getting Chantale to watch Chasing Amy with me on Sunday night as well 🙂 ). Again, I say, ya gotta love Kevin Smith! 🙂

Yesterday was a nice day spent mostly outdoors. We even put out the patio furniture so we could enjoy some sun on the deck. Ah. 🙂 The only freaky thing about yesterday was going for a grocery run (which hasn’t been done in ages!) and seeing the total bill. Yowtch. I do believe that is the MOST I ever spent on groceries on any one time. Kudos to anyone who could guess the total. Chantale’s parents came over for supper this time which made for a relaxing evening as well.

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