Well, after that long private rant, I feel much better. If I offended any smokers with it, sorry. My point was simply to point out how my asthmatic daughter should be nowhere near a smoker and why all the pressure falls on me. As I wrote to Melyssa’s pediatrician:
” I would like to know why it is that in no reports on the health of Melyssa Aragona is it indicated that she is living in a house with a smoker? Every time the issue of her health comes up, all I’m told about is her allergies. Nowhere do I find the kind of note I’m including in this fax from the Montreal Children’s Hospital. I would appreciate if you can let me know if you are even aware of the fact that Melyssa’s mother’s boyfriend is a smoker, and there are carpets in her house. Her telling me that he doesn’t smoke around the kids and only outside does not cancel out what the e.r. doctor wrote in her note back in 2002 which is still valid today. I’m trying to understand why her “excuses” are valid, but my precautions are not. You can contact me at work or at home. I do look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.”
I do feel better after getting all that off my chest, btw. Another reason I’m glad to have LJ here. AND the ability to make posts Private when necessary 🙂