Time to say Good-Bye…

I’m feeling slightly wistful today. Just going down memory lane as I go through my work day. The fact that this is strangeanimal’s last day here brings back memories of our early years as friends. His struggles to get a decent job until finally giving into my requests that he apply at Dpm where I was working at the time.

He had pride, you see. Refused to “stoop” so low as to ask for anyone’s help in getting a job because he hated the fact that during his many attempts to land something better, he learned that you really had to know someone in order to get doors to open. But, finally, he gave in and applied. And got the job. And stuck with it for years, even surviving cut-backs. We worked close to each other in different departments and obviously had fun together. Even when he was withholding e-mails from Chantale for me 🙂

Years later, I was done with the company. It was time for me to move on to another chapter in my life. The day I left, he was really sad. That was the closest I saw him come to tears. Heck, I was just leaving the company, not his life. Fast forward a couple of years after that event and we’re both working together again (although not in the same building). And now, it’s his turn to move away to a new chapter in his life. Funny how job changes seem to go hand-in-hand with other big changes in life. I had coffee with him on Monday where we basically caught up with life-stuff again and I played interrogator, confirming for myself that he’s stable and happy and excited. After some screwy relationships in his past, I’m glad to say that he does seem to have his head on right this time 🙂

The lunch hour ended with no tears this time (although I could tell he was fighting them again – he kept looking everywhere but in my eyes! 🙂 ) We’d been through this before, and I guess it’s understood. He’s leaving the Company, yes, the City, yes, and worse, the Country. But, he’s not moving out of my life. He just becomes yet another Friend who simply lives elsewhere. I have a number of out-of-town friends. The way I look at it is this: we’ll appreciate any phone calls or visits much more in the future than we did before. And, maybe next time I give him some kind of news about being on Television or in Print somewhere, he won’t scoff and groan “Great. I’ll be watching my favorite show and then there’s Aragona on my screen! Sheesh!” 🙂

Be well, Pat. Be good to Roxanne and she’ll be good to you.

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