Nothing so dangerous today. Outside of the craziness of the weather! I mean, really now, it SNOWED last night. And is flurrying today. Man, a week ago I was getting ready to break out the shorts!! Crazy weather…
Hey, had something rather nice happen this afternoon. After my regular LOMA class, I went to see the Manager of the IT Project Office to give him a little update on a side-project I’m working on with him. We chatted briefly about some other stuff I’m doing and how things are going in general when he, completely out of the blue, states how he admires me and what I’m doing. He admires the fact that on top of my regular heavy workload of being a Team Leader, I’m making the time to take LOMA classes on top of the various sub-projects I’m involved in.
Now, I don’t know about you, but praise is nice, and unexpected praise from someone you admire is even nicer. So, that sure helps start the week off right 🙂