Another Cancel

After over 6 years, I’m finally cancelling my pager. It feels really weird to do so, but, the reasons for my having it have changed. It started with work and then became personal (and personal messages – I actually built an entire dictionary using numbers!) and then a means of contact with my kids. Now, I have a cell phone I use a lot more often (which I had also got at the same time) and ever since I bought an updated one last January, it’s been of more use.

Basically, it broke down to my paying $10 a month for something for which I got little use out of except as an occasional alarm clock. Why piss away another $120?? Add it to the Gym cancellation and I’m suddenly saving $240 a year. (considering I just paid for my car registration at $255, that really helps!). I’m just trying to get the best bang for my buck. And so, another thing from my past disappears. And I don’t mind at all 🙂

And thus ends my work day. It’s been another long one but tomorrow will be longer! (I have 3 scheduled meetings already! ack!) so I’ll take the rest/ break. We’re heading out to church tonight for the Pancake Supper prior to the Ash Wednesday service. Mmmm pancakes! 🙂

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