
There’s something missing in this week and I’m not sure what. Two bizarre days in a row leave me feeling that things are just a little… “off”. Even with all the rest I had last night (getting home earlier than usual, Chantale cooking a wonderful and tasty supper, drinking some good homemade white wine, and then basically relaxing on the couch (after I did some quick groceries and worked out), reading while Chantale played SIMS) and getting to bed early, come 2:30am I was wide awake wondering “what the fuck’s going on?”

Monday was harsh. Yesterday was crap. Today seems to be like walking through a sleep-induced haze. I’m pushing myself to do things/ get things done and I still feel driftless. sigh.

Lent. What are you doing for it, if anything? Personally: giving up soft drinks (I want them eliminated completely from my body), giving up procrastinating (too easy to give yourself an excuse not to do something) and setting concrete plans, and continue what I started (nightly workouts).

To be honest, these are all things I decided upon last week, before even realizing Lent was upon us 🙂 Still, I’m all for the Power of Positive Change.

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