More Love Quotes…

Yes, I’m going a little out of my mind today. Just not a very work-busy day. So, I’ll leave 2003 behind with some more Love Quotes that I’ve been holding on for a while 🙂 After this, I’ll see you on the 5th 🙂

La vita non e nulla senza l’amicizia
Life is nothing without friends

L’amore e piu temerario che l’odia
Love is more reckless than hate
-B. Gracian

L’amore e come uno schiaffo e quando arriva lo senti
Love is like a slap in the face and when it comes you feel it
-Leonardo Pieraccioni

Prima di amare, lo no ho mai vissuto pienamente
Til I loved, I did not live enough
-E. Dickinson

L’amore arriva dall’anima
Love comes from the soul
-J. Baptista Almeida Garret

L’amore e il fiume della vita del mondo
Love is the world’s river of life
-H. W. Beecher


Have a Happy and Safe New Year, everyone!

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