Way of the Warrior

Went to catch The Last Samurai last night. We used the free passes we had gotten from when we had seen Return of the King and experienced a temporary power failure. I was impressed. Really, it turned out to be a much better picture than expected, DESPITE Cruise. I try not to watch movies with him in it, but sometimes it can’t be helped. I’m just tired of him being the BESTEST at everything. Bestest Vampire. Bestest Pool Player. Bestest Pilot. Bestest Secret Agent. Gimme a break. Luckily the supporting cast in this movie were awesome. The Samurai Warriors and village were very sympathetic and I loved seeing the dichotomy between the Honor they lived with and the slimey, money-hungry way the “others” did.

Also managed to see the trailer for Troy which looks like it’s going to be quite something. And with The Iliad still fresh in my mind from last year’s reading, I know I’ll be enjoying this. Add to the fact that the trailer for the new King Arthur doesn’t look half-bad either and it’s definitely shaping up to be another swordfest banner year 🙂

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