A White Christmas!

Who would-a thunk it? It actually snowed last night 🙂

We had a really good Christmas yesterday. Christmas eve was nice with the in-laws and lots of food, but yesterday was our day.

All said and done, there were 13 of us at the house, tons and tons of food, excellent meal, wonderfully tasty deserts, amazing coffee (with probably the best espresso ever made) and lots of joy and fun 🙂

It was our first Xmas Day hosting and it went off superbly. My mom made the pasta, Chantale’s mom made the salad, Chantale made the hors d’oeuvres, meat, and rice, I set up the veggie plates, etc etc. There was a LOT of food, and it was all very tasty. In fact, we got my mom hooked on a brie/cranberry dish 🙂

Really, it was probably the best xmas day celebration I can ever remember having. Everyone had a great time and everything just felt so right.

Santa was very good to all of us this year, too, which makes it all the more special. 🙂

I could go on and on, but I won’t 🙂 I just wanted to come online and post this up. Now, I’m going back upstairs and enjoy the rest of this very relaxing day 🙂

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