Da Bill

Well, I went to see my Doc this morning and he was very impressed/ surprised with the effects of the cream he had prescribed for my neck and vitiligo patch. I told him I’d actually stopped using it on a regular basis and have been only applying it about once a night every other night. Still, he said it was very noticebably improved. So, he prescribed me something less potent. Cool. We’ll see.

In other news… I finally finished off the Church Newsletter last night and mailed it off. No replies yet which is bizarre. But, at least it’s done.

I didn’t get a chance to get through the Parents Council Minutes but I did manage to update the September ones with the approved changes and sent those off to the web master for the school page. I began the outline for the new Minutes but just was too tired to finish them. Tonight.

Also, I got myself a nice haircut last night. Chantale and I went together (which is always more fun) and chatted away with the hairdresser who is an old family friend. Boy, do I feel better this morning! It’s incredible what a good haircut will do 🙂 I even noticed a lot of female-head-turning towards me this morning on my way to the Doc’s so it’s nice to be noticed again 🙂

And, in other news, I’m getting my LOMA “Diploma” / Laminated Certificate tonight from Claude Garcia himself, President of Standard Life Canada, for having successfully completed the first two courses. Bonus 🙂

That’s it for now. Got work to do 🙂

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