To My NaNoWriMo Friends

Well, I’ve done it.

I’m not bragging, mind you. Please, I’m simply stating.

11pm November 13. I kept myself going with about a 3.5k to 4k nightly average and I have managed to pass the 50k point (50,545 words). I can’t believe it. I knew it would come, truly believed I would be able to make it after the first 20k (which was the hardest, emotionally, to overcome), but now that it’s actually done, I feel a little numb.

I’m exhausted, or at least quietly burnt. The novel can actually stand on its own right now. I don’t have to add more to it, but probably could if I gave it a bit more thought. The only thing is that, right now, I don’t want to give it any more thought.

I’m taking tomorrow off. Completely. And, I’ll probably take Saturday off as well. Maybe, perhaps, I’ll go back on Sunday and look at it again. But for now, whatever I do will be more for tweaking and editing sake than anything else. I’ll simply be wiating for November 20th when the servers will be ready to count words officially and upload what I’ve got.

Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and kind words. I had a complete ball doing this and will indeed do it again next year. I don’t expect next year will be at all like this year. In fact, I’m almost certain that it will be much tougher for me, but I will also have different tactics and self-challenges. I’ll talk about those later on in the month, though. No use to talk about them now 🙂

For now… my bed calls to me. Maybe tomorrow night I’ll give myself a little celebratory pat on the back. But for tonight, c’est assez. I need my rest. 🙂 Good night, and good typing. You have all been great.

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