I’m still quite tired today, even though last night was an early one. Chantale and I got home at a decent time (just before 6pm) and started supper right away. I introduced Chantale to Coquilles St-Jacques which she really enjoyed. I like the fact that *I* introduced HER to a new seafood dish (considering she’s more a fish-lover than I am). We ate that with a lovely Canadian white-wine (Sauvignon Blanc from Jackson Triggs) and then adjourned to the living room where we enjoyed a tasty tuna salad while watching I AM SAM. A very enjoyable evening, indeed 🙂
By the way, I must say that I couldn’t believe the performance Sean Penn gave in I AM SAM. Really, really, incredible. Wow.
We ended up going to bed quite early as we were completely wiped – having had a very late night on Monday and then a very rough day on Tuesday. It was refreshing except we had to get up much earlier than usual this morning as well 🙂
The end of the day is fast approaching and thus I’m contemplating what supper will be tonight… Chantale has a work function which means I get to eat alone… which does not mean I have to eat badly 🙂 Ah! Spinach! I think I might just meat-and-potatoes myself tonight… Hmmm….