Let’s Start a War said Mikey one day…

I’m back.

I’ve had stuff to take care of/ deal with/ get a handle on and it’s all left me in a pretty pissy mood. Yeah, I’m still me. Yeah, I’m the carefree, fun-loving, groovy guy of always. But I’m also fed up with all the bullshit and won’t take any more. So if I stab you to the core and you don’t like it, piss off.

First off, a shout out to Chantale. Thanks for putting up with it all. You’re the absolute best and I love you to bits.

Next, a shout out to Janet. You know why. Thanks. You rock.

And now, the rip-roaring can begin.

This is my journal. MY. Journal. If I want to share a Private entry with my friends, I’ll do so. That’s the only f-ing self-censorship I will follow. If you read something here and it bothers you: too f-ing bad. Piss off.

If I want to vent, I will. And let me warn you ahead of time. I will be venting. Not whining. Venting. Because sometimes writing it is more fun than speaking it out loud. Especially if there’s no one around to hear me.

No, that’s not all I’ll be doing. My core, who I am, is a guy who enjoys life. It doesn’t mean I’ll be pissing red every post. In fact, the dichotomy between my regular posts and my current default icon tickles me in the most hysterical way. And if you don’t understand the word, get a dictionary.

Dig it or leave it. That’s the way it’ll be. Ruthless as a muthafucka. Assume all you want, but it’ll be easier if you get the facts first.

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