Every Girl’s Crazy ’bout a Sharp-Dressed-Man…

One of my teammates just told me how sharp I looked. I thanked him and told him I’m wearing a Dosseldorf. He freaked out with a “wow, that’s really something” and came over to feel the material 🙂 I told him it was a gift from Chantale and he just continued expressing how great a shirt it was and then another teammate came over to feel it. (snicker). They may report to me, but they’re not the sucking-up type. He’s a guy who appreciates fine clothes and was simply knocked out by my sharpness today 🙂

Moments like that help make bleah-y-starting mornings better 🙂

In other news… I’ve got a definite take on my novel for next month. You could almost say my entire life to date has been leading up to it. It’s going to be quite the book. Now, I’m just kicking around ideas for the title. The first one that came to mind was “Wasted Youth”. And then, strangely enough, Generation X kicked in with some ideas like “Youth Youth Youth” and “Kiss Me Deadly”. We’ll see what wins out…

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