A little while ago while I was in the midst of thinking back upon my life and the people I’ve known, I began to wonder about some of them. I wondered what they were up to and if they’d changed much. Sadly, as
I once knew this person who seemed to spew complaints every time they opened their mouth. Really. There was nothing going as badly in the world as what was going on with and around them. Drama. Lots of it. I listened to them vent and spew, I offered advice and laffs when necessary, and threw parties when something good happened to them. Alas, too much remains unchanged.
For example, a few years ago, they were working at a job they hated. Truly hated. With a passion that would sometimes cause illness. Complained, bitched, and whined about the work, the people, the boss, the organization, etc. It got to a point that on some days, I truly had to avoid them because I just couldn’t handle that much constant negativity. Lo and behold, they finally moved on from that job. Not because they initiated a change, but because a change was made for them. At any rate, the new company was incredible. Joy. Allelujia.
Two days later the bitching and complaining began again.
Lord almighty if they could only look in the mirror, they could perhaps come to the conclusion that it can’t always be the world around them that sucks. Some of that suckage has to come from them, too.
A part of me has to sit back and laugh a little at this. They have not changed in all the time I knew them. Their lives continue to be petty and full of continual conflict. I hadn’t heard from them in a long while but when I did, I saw that the same conditions exist. All I can say is that I’m glad they’re no longer part of my daily life.
Oh, and before any misunderstandings crop up, this is not aimed at or about anyone currently reading this. If I wanted to do that, I would have made this a Private entry. As I’m very fond of stating, “Life is too short”. Too short for TOO many things: “to hold grudges”; “not to take chances”; “not to dream”; “to lose a moment of saying Thanks to anyone”. And, of course, “for fussing and fighting, my friends”.
“…I have always thought, that it’s a criiiii-ime…”