Articles Uploaded Redux

How tired am I? So tired that I actually seem to have posted twice instead of the one. Oh well. It’s not like I can’t switch my brain into ga-ga mode and go completely type-free. After all, with the numerous years of BBSing under my belt, it really doesn’t take much for me to go into ramble mode and just type away whatever nonsense that comes into my head. And, of course, being tired only means that it’s triply-easy to just go on a ramble-log. Ramble-log… and now and now and now and now… sing my song…. ok, apologies to Led Zeppelin for that one.

All right, enough. Mikey’s brain is mush. But at least my arm doesn’t seem to hurt any more. Wish I could say the same thing for some other parts of my body. Feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomache. Blah. Sometimes food is just blah.

See ya tomorrow.

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