Wow, more flying~!

Time that is. Flew by this afternoon! I’m not completely done with the newsletter yet as I’m waiting on someone’s submission (she told me it was on its way now so I’m staying online checking my mail). But, I think I did rather well. I created a new name and masthead, wrote up an article as to why, linking it to the congregation, and then, I wrote up an Appreciation article on the Pastor. Chantale read all three of my revisions, each one lengthening the previous one, and she was quite touched by it. I may end up bringing a tear to someone’s eye 🙂

Speaking of bringing tears of joy, Chantale came back much earlier than I expected this afternoon, with an arm full of Old Navy clothes for me! Whee! 🙂 Love that stuff. The closest one is about 3 hours from here but at least we can head over whenever we feel like it 🙂 I admit to one sappy moment: after trying on all the clothes she bought me, she asked if I liked them and I replied, “I love them! You dressed me up with your love!” 🙂

Yes, it was that horribly sappy 🙂 It wasn’t meant to be! It’s just that the clothes were so warm and cuddly, I felt SO comfortable! It was as though she had wrapped me up in an all-encompassing hug! 🙂

I better save this before I make too many of you gag 🙂

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