Ended up going to bed at about 1:15am this morning. We knew we were getting up early today, but figured, what the hell 🙂 I had my alarm set for 7am and got up to get myself cleaned up. I woke my mother-in-law at 7:45am, telling her the coffee was on. I woke Chantale up at 8am. We all left at 8:30am. I went to take the dogs back to their house, and Chantale and her mom left to go pick up her sister.
Obviously, with little traffic and whatnot, I got to church relatively early but took the slow pace to chat with people and give a lending hand at the usher table, getting all the books in place. The sermon today was quite interesting and I had fun helping out with communion. I get a little bit of a kick out of changing things slightly. Those of you who were around remember how the first time I distributed the wine, I managed to change the order of distribution (bread, glasses, chalice instead of bread, chalice, glasses) 🙂 Today, instead of reading the ending Prayer they’re all used to reading, I used a different one (but still from the communion ceremony) from a different book. I like keeping people on their toes 🙂
I had lunch at with my Parents and actually had a really nice time. Really nice. No arguments, no negativity, nothing bad. We chatted about everything, talked about the upcoming holidays, etc. I even managed to pack up a SLEW more boxes to take home to shuffle through and see what gets thrown out and what gets kept. My dad gave me a few more tools, shovels, and even a broom 🙂 He showed me the designs he’s working on for a workbench he’s making me for the garage. Cool. 🙂
And now, I’m home alone. Music is on behind me (currently playing Don Henley), a fresh pot of coffee is brewing, and my notes are all in order. I’m ready to layout the church newsletter, after writing up a couple of articles, of course. So, I decided that before begin to click away for the next 4 hours, I’d jump online quickly and say Howdy with a post 🙂
See you later!