Sure does.
Last night Chantale and I decided to head out to Moe’s in the West Island for supper. Got there at around 9pm and had a REALLY delicious meal. Chantale had the jumbo smoked meat (wow!) and I had the Park Avenue Sandwich (grilled chicken, peppered ham, bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, and a STACK of french fries). Most incredible it was. And the service was excellent. I haven’t been to a Moe’s in more years than I care to remember, but I know we’ll go back soon. Too many yummy things on that menu NOT to 🙂
Afterwards, we crossed the street and spent the next hour at Chapters looking through all the bargain books, cooking, new age, etc etc. Lots of fun in a very relaxing way. Almost reminded me of some of the leisure time spent during the DPM years 🙂
Today, SHOPPING!! Oh my! Went to The Bay and picked up a slew of things from our Registry. Lots of cozy linens and sharp knives. Not kinky, just practical 🙂 From there, spent about an hour at Loblaw’s. Oh, so much yummy food! Mmmm! 🙂 Got home, and put a lasagna in the oven. Chantale’s mom came over for supper and to spend the night. The dogs had a great time in the house – you can see they enjoy it here 🙂 supper was excellent! We cleaned up and then headed out on the patio for coffee. I ended up having my last Vanilla Cigarillo 🙂 The last one before this was last winter after coming home from taking Chantale to Cinema-Show at the Casino.
Wow, time flies…
Tomorrow, Chantale and her mom are heading to Markham to pick up Chantale’s sister who’s finally coming home. She starts her new job on Tuesday and will be downtown, close to me. Cool. 🙂 So, I get to hang with “da dawgs” tomorrow. Wonder if anyone will notice if I dye their fur blue… 🙂