Working for the Weekend…

The Weekend Beckons. Very strongly. I want to do nothing. But, of course, that doesn’t really happen. 🙂

I’m communion assistant again on Sunday. Which means, if you remember, that I’m the one distributing the wine to those who come up for communion. 🙂

Had an interesting revelation walking home last night. If I walk fast enough, I can get into a heightened sense of awareness in which my creative juices start flowing and my energy level doubles (if not outright triples). By the time I got home, I was functioning at such a level that when I tried to stop to gather it down… I found I couldn’t understand myself. Bizarre. It was almost as though I hit upon a place where I understood more than ever, but just had no way to properly express it. It was as though words were inadequate.

I wonder if it was my constantly repeating my mantra in my head as I walked? It took me a month to get rid of that bloody “chicken-dance” song from my head and then this week I couldn’t escape from Q-92’s “one-minute” song. It was driving me completely insane so to keep it at bay, I started chanting a mantra: “fuck”

Hey, it worked. And you just can’t argue with success. 🙂

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