Fall, not Winter!

I couldn’t believe how cold it was this morning. When I left the house, it was nice and sunny. Since I slept SO badly last night (weird/ bad dreams from 3am on which kept me awake the entire time), I was so tired I fell asleep on the train. When I got off at Lucien Lallier, it was like stepping into Antartica or something. Sheesh.

In other news, Chantale has joined an indoor soccer league. Her first game is October 4th. Very cool. She’s been wanting to do something like this for years now, and she’s finally getting her chance to get back in the game. I told her she can go to her first game alone, but I’ll be there for subsequent ones cheering her on. 🙂

Well I’m hungry now, so off to Cora’s I go. I need comfort food. My face hurts way too much (but a lot less than the last couple of days). You’ve heard of SARS? I feel like I was striken with MARS. 🙂

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