I finally got to put my new lawn mower to use yesterday 🙂 Filled up the gas, added the oil, and vroom vroom! Off I went! 3 garbage bags full in about an hour. What power! 🙂
It seems to have been a somewhat mini fix-up weekend, too, since my parents came over on Sunday to help put up a gizmo to roll up our water hose in the back yard. Chantale also spent some time clearing out the garage and making space there for her dad’s giant toolbox from his days as an airplane mechanic 🙂
My face has broken out in a way unlike anything I ever experienced. I don’t think I ever had as many painful zits on my face in even my worst adolescent moments! Holey hell where did all this stress come from? And just as I had started a new workout routine last week to try to relax me more…
Today has been insane. I’m tired. And so far, my Wednesday is ENTIRELY booked in Meetings. Can I just bash my head in a wall somewhere? Sigh…
Well, I just made myself a nice Almond Tea. It usally relaxes me as it brings me memories of the Ovarium… Maybe I should set up another appointment there… I’m in the need to be pampered it seems…