Finally, an update!

Ack. I’m stuck for time again and it’s turning into a feeling of not being able to give a proper accounting of the past weekend, since the next weekend is almost upon us!! sheesh!

I know there was a bunch of stuff I wanted to write about, not the least of which was the fact that Chantale and I actually spent a really nice, lazy weekend together. Lots of sleeping and snuggling involved 🙂 In fact, we didn’t get out of bed on Saturday until about 3pm… 🙂 Saturday night, we rented A Walk To Remember. Very nice movie.

Sunday’s church service was really nice and my reading of the Sermon went over quite well. I wasn’t as nervous as I expected to be and am actually in the right frame of mind to do it again in the future should it be required of me 🙂

We’ve been watching a lot of episodes of Babylon 5 lately and thoroughly enjoying it. With a season title of “Point of No Return” you can imagine that season 3 is quite explosive 🙂 I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, the absolutely best part of watching this series again is having Chantale watching and enjoying it right along with me. Being able to share this with her has brought me more joy than I could have imagined. If you don’t understand, then you never will. It’s just as much a thrill, if not bigger, than having her in the audience during the comics panels I’ve been an invited guest at. ’nuff said (for now)

By the way, for the last couple of days, I’ve been staying at work later in order to spend time at the gym working out. My legs have been screaming at me for some power-stretches and I’ve complied. They’re quite happy now as is the rest of my body 🙂 Mrowr on me 🙂 Any how, one of the extra bonuses has been that I’ve been coming home to some very tasty, delicious, and delectable warm-cooked meals. Chantale has always made excellent meals and lately has gotten wonderfully creative. Mmmm… Life is gooood… 🙂

And now, I’ve gotta rush off. LOMA 301 class is about to start. Ciao!

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