I can’t believe I’m functioning!
James and I got our Tuxes last night. His was fine, mine was 3 inches too short! LOL!! I got it fixed and then headed out to Wal-Mart to pick up 12 disposable cameras. We had supper and then I brought him back. I went home and cleaned up a little, returning something like 6 calls. I realized I had AGAIN forgotten to buy toilet paper so I headed off to the local IGA to return all our cans/bottles, and pick up some TP, Sangrila, Nachos, and sauce 🙂 Headed home, put on DOGMA and lay back and enjoyed it.
Went to bed at midnight but was too wound up to sleep. …Must have been the B-52 shots I kept pouring myself throughout the movie… 🙂 … Chantale got home from her stag-ette at 1am, boozy breath and all 🙂 She giggled and chatted till about 2am at which point she. just. passed. out. So, I was left the only one awake in the house. Her sister and friend of the family were passed out in the guest room 🙂 Eventually I drifted off but was wide awake at 5am. Bloody hell. Got up at 6, dressed quickly, grabbed my stuff and left at 6:30am. I actually had to run from the parking lot to catch the Train, jumping over the tracks while the warning bells were clanging. Ack.
But, got downtown at 7:30am and headed off to the gym here at Standard Life 🙂 A brief but intensive workout later, and I was in the shower, happily washing off the sweat 🙂 Got in to work at 8:30am and now I’ve got boundless energy which is coming from I don’t know where. 3 hours of sleep. Oh it’s going to be a lovely day. Smirnoff Ice at Winnie’s for lunch sounds really good right now… 🙂