Nothing’s Gonna Change My World…

Heard a couple of guys strumming their guitars at Guy metro today. I’ve heard them before and always thought how they pick great songs to sing, but don’t really sing them in the manner I prefer. Sure, they do good harmony, but just not the right justice to the songs. After hearing them again today, the conclusion still stands. But, what made me take notice was the fact that the songs I’ve heard them sing so far all seem to almost be coming out of Zonker’s SongFest SongBook!! 🙂 This, of course, made me wonder what Gary’s up to these days and that I should give him a call since he never replied to the last 2-3 emails I sent him.

Of course, it made me nostalgic for our SongFests… It’s been YEARS since we’ve had one… *sigh*

“Jai Guru Deva… Ohmmmmmm”

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