I’m feeling jumpy and edgy today. And it’s not from lack of sleep. And it’s not from coffee. I’m just feeling way too attuned to emotions going on around me. To the point where I sometimes feel like I’m stuck in a rubber room the size of a small closet and am just bouncing from one wall to the other. oy.
One Week Left.
Nervous? I can’t really say. I can tell you that my brain is going a mile-a-minute and there are moments during the day (like NOW) where I’m trembling so much I feel like I’m on speed… or at the very least 10 cups of coffee. Woah. I haven’t felt this jittery since I took too many Wake-Up tablets back at DPM… heh.
I know I had more to say. In fact, I’m positive I had something intelligent to say. Sadly, my fingers just ran away with my brain… in opposite directions… and now I’m confused.
I guess I’ll have to update later. Later!