Me again!

Yup. Seems I was the last updater last night and first this morning. Sheesh. You’d think I wouldn’t know what sleep is 🙂 And you’d be partly right. James got up again this morning, but I couldn’t remember if it was at 4am or 430am. (shrug) At any rate, Chantale left at 7:30am to go for her dress-rehearsal hair appointment. Since I was awake, and heard that James was as well, I ran out of bed and jumped on him 🙂 Afterwards, we came down to the basement where I gave him some older Peanuts comics as they’re his new passion 🙂

So, as he read those, we listened to a CD he got from Camp yesterday, and I continued cleaning up. I had had enough of the very messy basement and, even though we’re not going to finish it for at least another year, I wanted a “semblance” or normalcy down here. And thus, I unpacked, put aside a ton of novels I’m going to try to sell to a second-hand store, and generally re-arranged stuff. I even managed to set up my stereo system which means the 400+ CDs I have up against the wall can get some use again 🙂

Some of the nice of unpacking is coming across lost gems like my old stamp collection, some old Comicopia material, etc. Heck, I even JUST found the notes I had originally written when I went for my interview at DPM back in 91 🙂 And, in the same booklet, the outlines for my Gene-X-Factor storyline from the earliest Comicopia challenge! (And yes, that includes the Archie/Punisher outline :> ). I guess this is what you’d call “Good Nostalgia” 🙂

Man, when you think that Comicopia is celebrating 13 years next issue, it seems hard to believe. Until I look at all the issues lined up on my bookshelves and all the admin notes I have in my drawers, including past covers, non-covers, paste-up covers… wow.

And, hey, I once again found Issue 0 🙂 I’m tempted to print up the cover of that one for the current members to smile at. I would reprint it all but the insides are too dark for proper reproduction. Although, I’m almost positive I have a copy of Comics Scene #8 from which it was copied…

Ah, I’m going off track again and starting to ramble… of course, it only makes sense this happens while “Stand By Me” is playing…

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