…need… sleep…

It’s been a busy week considering it wasn’t supposed to be.

As I said earlier, James ended up catching ‘Swimmers Ear’ on Tuesday. Wednesday night, he awoke screaming in pain at half past midnight. Last night, he woke up at 3am and then 3:30am. And considering I’d been on-call/ working on finding ways to minimize the impact of Toronto’s blackout on the systems we work with (which meant further phone calls until midnight, at 4am, and at 6:30am), I was pretty dead tired this morning. I was called to pick him up yesterday because of the pain and, in fact, he wasn’t in shape to go to the party/ talent show the camp put on last night. Knowing how much he loved it last year and was looking forward to it this week, I know he wasn’t faking his pain. I just got back from giving his his medication and he is doing much, much better.

And right now, I have a migraine. Either that or a food headache. I’m testing if Chocolate Chunk Cookies can help relieve some of the pain.

Tonight, James goes to my in-laws so Chantale and I can go out on a supper date 🙂 I’m quite looking forward to it since (a) it’s been a while since we last dressed up for a date, and (2) we’re going to a new, but reknowned, restaurant. With all that’s going on around us these days, leading up to the Wedding in 2 weeks, you can bet we both deserve and NEED some quiet time to ourselves 🙂

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