
What a crazy day!

I came in this morning thinking “Oh, wow, it’s already Friday!” as in, truthfully, the week has flown by. I can barely believe it. We’ve been so busy running to and fro and fro and to that we didn’t see the week go by. I’m glad the kids have been having a great time at the DDO Day Camp (although day one was rough). But, I’m also a little sad that I couldn’t have spent as much time with them as I would have liked. Heck, their being or not being at camp wouldn’t have made a difference here. It’s all about work. At any rate, we’ve enjoyed really wonderful family suppers all week, so at least our nights have ended on a happy note.

I’m glad I took yesterday morning off. We all managed to sleep in an extra hour and it helped a lot. I drove the kids to camp while Chantale slept in and then I came back home and woke her up so I could take her to work. We eventually made it out the door (smirk) and off to work. After dropping her off, I drove the car to Cedar Park train station. The train wasn’t due for another hour so I decided to walk around a bit and see what bus routes came close-by. I could have taken the 211 to Lionel Groulx metro but… after seeing it crowded I decided I’d rather stay outside, read, and wait for the train. 🙂

I’m currently devouring (good choice of word! 🙂 ) “Pandora” by Anne Rice. I haven’t been as enraptured by a Vampire Chronicle book since about Lestat and Queen of the Damned. In fact, seeing as I’m almost finished, I’ll probably go back and re-read those two books. There’s nothing like a good Chronicle book plus music like The Specimen and/or Gene Loves Jezebel to put me in the proper frame of gothic mind 🙂

But, I digress. Today is insane and, being the first of the month, it means I’m busy running Stats on our web sites and preparing a slew of reports. It’s going better than it has in a long time, but it’s also helping the day zoom even faster. Oh well. That’ll bring me closer to the end of the day. I’m finishing at 3:30 today so I can catch the 3:45 train to enable me to get to Pointe Claire for my 5pm hair cut 🙂 Realize. We’re in August. 29 days left before the Wedding. Oh my. 🙂

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