So Long, Bob…

From Yahoo News: LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Bob Hope (news), who combined perfect timing with classic, self-mocking gags to become America’s beloved court jester, died peacefully on Sunday at age 100 surrounded by the audience he loved most — his family.

“You could not have asked for a more peaceful … death,” daughter Linda Hope told reporters just after the announcement on Monday that her father had died of pneumonia at his Los Angeles home.

“I can’t tell you how beautiful and serene and peaceful it was. The fact that there was a little audience around, even though it was family, warmed dad’s heart.”

She added that the comedian famed for his one-liners had no last words. “He left us with a smile on his face and no really last words. He gave us each a kiss and that was it.”

Hope is survived by his wife of 69 years, Dolores Hope, two sons Anthony and Kelly, two daughters, Linda Hope and Nora Somers, and four grandchildren. Linda Hope said the burial would be private but added that it was the subject of one of her father’s last jokes.

“My mother has been saying to him ‘Bob where do you want to be buried?’ and his response was ‘Surprise me.”‘

Linda Hope added that a public memorial service would be planned for Aug. 27, along with a special tribute for Hope at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the sponsor of the Emmys.

It’s difficult not to think of George Burns at this time. I remember reading something shortly after he passed away where it was said that there was no reason to live to 101 since, as an ultimate showman, how could he top living to 100 (smile)

Well, the world is sad, but the Heavens are all laughing again…

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