It’s insane that I’m still up at this hour. I don’t honestly remember the last time I was up until 2am. I’ve usually been WAY too tired in order to do so. Granted, I got up at 10am today, but I did go to bed at midnight last night. Normally, I should have zonked out around the same time.
Either the coffee I made myself tonight was really good/strong, or those B12 supplements are giving me more energy than I thought… (I have noticed I haven’t been as tired in the mornings as I was before I started taking them)
At any rate, the reason I was up so late was that after 2 episodes of Babylon 5’s 2nd season, I decided to watch Mr. Destiny. I just really, really enjoy that movie (hence the reason I picked it up on DVD even though I have it on video). Simplistic, perhaps, but lots of actors I like: James Belushi, Michael Caine, Linda Hamilton, Rene Russo, even Jon Lovitz 🙂 Fun, good-feeling, happy-ending movie 🙂
Every now and again you just need to watch something like that in order to lift your spirits 🙂