Betrayal of the Flesh.

Ok, this might come out sounding all gloomy, but I’m nowhere near as gloomy as I was last night.

Basically, I finally got to see a dermatologist yesterday in regards to that rash/ discoloration happening on my neck. He diagnosed it as Vitiligo. Some info can be found at National Vitiligo Society or at the National Vitiligo Foundation.

Basically, my immune system believes my skin pigmentation to be evil and is thus attacking them. Causing my skin to discolor. He gave me a topical cream twice a day to try for a few months to see if it will help and to check with my doctor to verify my thyroid. At the same time, I’m starting to take B12 supplements. As a hereditary disease, I don’t know anyone else who has it. But, my dad has a thyroid problem and my mom has diabetes, both of which are related to this. It can spread or it can stay like this and regress. No one knows for sure. Gotta love that. And for once it’s not something related to aging!

So, yeah, the news was a little hard to swallow as I’m fed up of having my body do shit like this. Almost from the beginning of when things started changing for me it seems something new would strike once I got used to it. For example: I started losing my eyesight and got glasses. I was pissed but figured it just happens. Once I accepted the fact that I had to wear glasses, I was diagnosed with a heart murmur. I accept that and things continue.

I’m much better this morning but was feeling like total crap last night. It’s kind of difficult to look in the mirror and see yourself staring back with a patch of white on your neck. I can easily imagine how much more difficult something like this is for a black person. … I just have to say that I’m so grateful for Chantale. She held and comforted me all through the night, reminding me who it is she loves and why. I guess I have to be glad my inside is so much nicer than my outside… (small smile)

So, that’s the news.

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