Questions Questions Questions!!

Here’s a few questions out of curiosity for all you LJers:

Do you have any friends or family members whom you know read your Journal? If so, do you:
– find yourselves sometimes holding back on what you write?
– get flak from them because of what you’ve written?
– have a small set of “rules” by them of what you’re allowed to write?

For myself, outside of those who have me listed as a “friend” whom I hope read :), I know Chantale checks in as often as possible and that I have at least 3 friends whom I know of who check in periodically. (if there are others reading, it would be nice of you to let me know! Replies in ‘anonymous’ mode are possible ya know! 🙂 ). I know when Chantale was in Australia/ New Zealand in January that her parents would look in on me via LJ to see how I was holding up. But, I don’t believe they’re reading any more 🙂

There are times I hold back on what I want to write about because of not being sure who’s reading. If I ever really needed to express it, though, I could simply write a private entry 🙂

I can’t say I’ve gotten flak from the stuff I’ve put up (although I have been smacked a couple of times for entries in which I’ve stated skipping lunch or supper — I know now to simply omit that information… 🙂 )

And, finally, no. I don’t have a small set of rules which govern what I can and can’t write about. I follow my own internal guidelines for that 🙂

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