Bring on the night…

Well the week is over and it’s pretty much all a blur. I had a good time with the kids but it also feels like there wasn’t ENOUGH time… I guess I’m selfish that way. I want them around ALL the time… *sigh*

I can see it’s rough on them, though. Melyssa seems really torn between what she wants and what she needs. She started crying again at supper time tonight because she didn’t want to go back to her mother’s. James… well, James can hardly wait for the day he can stay here all the time.

Whether all this is a phase for both of them or not, the truth of the matter is that this is the way it is now and as such, it is the emotions we’re dealing with.

They’re enjoying the week on/ week off of the summer, and James has already started wishing for spending MORE time here next summer. Who knows. Maybe by then I’ll have been able to find a way to get them to stay with us for 5 weeks in the summer instead of 4… (which, you have to admit, is not a bad thing since I was able to raise it to 4 from just 2 last year 🙂 ).

Yes, in case you can’t tell, I truly love my kids and wish they could be here with us always.

…moving along before the tears come…


So, Friday night my Best Man, James, and myself headed to Classy at Fairview to get ourselves measured and orders placed for our Tuxes. Watch out, hot stuff 🙂

Today, Chantale went with her mom for her fitting and afterwards we met up at Fairview and managed to get a really nice dress for Melyssa!! What a bargain! We had gone looking for patterns as my Mom had offered to make her a dress, but we couldn’t find anything we liked. How much easier was it to get something off the rack at an amazing sale! 🙂

Now, I finished off the edits for the Beatles MS and mailed it off to Alan. After typing this up, Chantale and I will probably relax and enjoy another episode of Babylon 5 🙂 Ya gotta love DVDs 🙂

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