Money money money…

So, yesterday I went to see a Podiatrist for the first time. I spent $80 to have a guy resembling George Costanza touch my feet. Bizarre. Especially as he had pamphlets of Jerry Seinfeld promoting supports. Basically, I have good feet with a small tendancy to arch inwards when I walk. This causes the friction that basically causes me to burn through shoes at the rate of a new pair every 3 months. I walk a lot, what can I say? He told me supports aren’t necessary but could help me. The cost? $550. Ha.

That afternoon, I brought James to get his new supports and I spent some time talking with the Podiatrist there (whom I’ve known for a few years – since James got his first pair) and asked him about getting supports for adults. The cost? $325. What a difference, eh? The difference between having an office on Cote-Ste-Catherine with no lab, and having one in Laval with a lab. When the time comes, if I decide on a pair, I know where to go. 🙂

Grass News: It was supposed to come on Monday… he called last night and told me it will come today! Ack! So, after Chantale got home from work, we hopped in the car and headed to Canadian Tire to pick up: 2 lawn sprinklers, a 100 foot garden hose, garbage bags, and a pair of gloves for gardening. The cost? $105.

It’s bloody expensive owning a home.

No, I take that back. The owning part isn’t bad. It’s the “maintaining” part that hurts.

I came in today with a co-worker, discussing the differences between first cars and first houses. I was telling him how strange it was that when we get our first cars, we get used to talking about spending a couple of hundred every now and again. At first it felt like a lot, but then we got used to it. Now, with a house, it seems like everything costs a thousand. Like it’s a magic number or something! Sheesh.

One day it’ll all even out and I can just relax and enjoy it all 🙂

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