Busy AGAIN!?!?

Every time I look around I realize I’ve been gone for some time and haven’t updated. I’m barely able to get my bearings!!! Work is busy. Home is busy. Wedding plans are busy. Kids are busy. Everything’s busy!!! Wow.

Kids are with me all of this week. It’s been *Really* nice having them there. I absolutely adore tucking them into bed at night and having breakfast in the mornings. I love having them around and really look forward to having the entire week off in two weeks so we can spend it together. They’ve been staying at my parents this week during work days but we obviously were off tomorrow and I have a half-day tomorrow. It’s great… *happy sigh*

We went to the Canada Day Parade yesterday in Pierrefonds as we do every year. It’s always fun (even though no firetrucks this year 🙁 ) and the kids have a blast. Afterwards, we bought some food at Metro and had a little picnic before going off to visit some friends. From there, we went to Chantale’s parents’ to enjoy their pool before heading home for a nice supper. There’s something comforting about having a nice and tasty supper while a big summer storm rages on outside 🙂

So that’s the only update I can give you today. Oh yeah, outside of the fact that the landscaping around the house is beginning which will be nice (i’m tired of stepping in mud 🙂 )

Finally: out-of-town Comicopians: I’ve mailed out your issues last week (have I said this already??). Please let me know when you receive it!

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