A Nice Thing

I was all set to write up a rant to all the scum and filth littering the streets of Montreal these days.

But, I just came back from the Van Houtte at the corner. I had miscalculated the amount of change I brought with me to pick up a coffee and muffin. When the girl rang it up and I realized I had no other change with me (but plenty in my desk drawer) I told her I’d only take the coffee. She asked to see what I had and then “poo-poo”ed me for the missing 11 cents and took it out of her Tip bowl.

What a nice gesture. I told her I’d be back with the change since I work across the street and she simply waved me away saying “don’t worry about it”.

Obviously, the next time I go there, I’ll be giving her back a lot more than what she gave me. That’s one to remember. And thus, I recant my rant for now and save it for another day 🙂

Peace Out

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