Blow me.

It feels like I’ve been blowing deadlines left, right, and center lately. The only item that’s currently on the right track is Comicopia 77!! Ever since I realized a few months back that I no longer can put the issue out within the deadline day, things have gone smoother. Packaging just takes a certain amount of time. So, the fact that I’ll be dragging along a ton of envelopes/ mailers to the Post Office tomorrow and mail off everyone’s issues is a good thing.

Sadly, the other stuff I’ve had to work on have fallen rapidly behind. (I grovel at your feet, Alan). I’m doing the best I can right now but my time and resources are limited beyond belief. I’m actually very greatful that the short film project was pushed to the end of next month because I would not have been able to shoot it this month, let alone edit it!

I can’t say that things will be 100% better soon. But I can say that things should be at least 75% better by September 🙂 As I mentioned previously, I’ll be getting the Zone 2 TRAM pass for July which means I’ll be able to spend more time on the Train. This time will be used to better organize and plan my “work/home” schedule (ie; the work I do at home schedule – which includes, mainly, my writing deals/ deadlines). I want to be back on the convention trail next year and to do that, I’ve got to get some new material “out there”.

The time may have come for a Palm Pilot. But I’ll try to make the best use of Chantale’s notebook first, though. My laptop is too “powerful”. In other words, it requires more battery than is currently available. I can’t even boot the bastard up on the battery juice it has.

Well, what more can I say? Chantale and I moved into an incredible new home in an insane amount of time. We’re getting married in a little more than 2 months. We’re both busy as hell at work. And we’re trying to organize a “real life” schedule at the same time. No wonder we’re dead tired at the end of the day…

“Christ you know it ain’t easy… you know how hard it can be…”
– John Lennon

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