Nothing. Just the title of the magazine currently on my desk 🙂
WHAT A DAY!! I’ve been very busy this morning, but “good” busy. I like getting things done, even if I’m actually doing someone else’s job (he’s on vacation, I’m helping out, I know my stuff and many people’s stuffs, so I’m the best candidate 🙂 ).
Things are good and done now. So, this means I may actually leave early tonight! Good news! I pick up the car and go home since Chantale’s heading out with her mom tonight. I’ll get some work done and then head out to Picasso’s for around 8pm to meet up with
More work tomorrow on Comicopia, the Church Newsletter, and hopefully the Beatles Notes. Sunday we’re getting our Freezer delivered. Groovy! 🙂 This, of course, means I have to completely clean out the garage! eep! 🙂
I feel like I’m all over the place right now! Way too bouncy to be at work! But, I’m also starving as I, once again, have no food. I think I’ll go hunting around other cubicles and see if I can land me a snack 🙂 If all else fails, I’ll make myself a hot chocolate 🙂