Writing Updates

It’s been a while since I reviewed what’s currently on my writing plate. Figured I may as well do this now as I’m about to leave for the day 🙂

First off, I have my notes on ‘s book “Before They Were Beatles” to write up and submit back to him so he can continue along with putting the book together. It’s an excellent book you all should order when it’s put out 🙂

Secondly, with Comicopia deadline for issue 77 due this weekend, I have to transcribe those notes in order to print up my section and then get to work with putting the actual magazine together (copied, collated, bound) and mailing it off to members.

Thirdly, the church newsletter couldn’t get done for June so I’m putting out a June/July issue some time next week and immediately preparing one for early August. These will both contain the Wedding Announcements/ Banners so it’s somewhat exciting 🙂 It would be nice if I could write up an article for them as well but we’ll have to see how things work out.

The rest of the stuff is “back burner” material that needs to be prioritized.

1- Fallen Angel (working title) – another “hero” set in the Realmont universe with tenous ties to an old serial (Circus Freaks)

2- Conclusion to The Night Stalker Chronicles

3- Wrapping up loose thread/storylines for the convergence of the other 3 Realmont tales

4- Another Red Devil tale

5 -Update on The Mysterious Minute-Men (yes, seriously, I’ve actually begun this and plotted out where it has to go)

6- Final storyline in The Diabolical Chef Jacques trilogy (way too many years in coming, I’ll grant you that.) Working title: The Chef Who Stole Christmas

When will I get to these? I’m not 100% certain. Obviously by July 1st I’ll be working on Comicopia 78 as that needs to get done before the beginning of August. The church newsletter has to follow suit immediately after. Deadline for Copia 78 will be August 22nd, which is the weekend before my Wedding. I need it to all be done by then because there is NO way I can put Copia out after the wedding unless I delay it for up to 3 weeks (and I’m really adverse to doing THAT!!)

So, if anything, perhaps some new material will begin to ooze out of my brain in September… just before I begin my LOMA 301 course… 🙂

I need to be institutionalized….

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