again. don’t know why, but I tossed and turned all night last night. i wasn’t making a salad, just trying to fall asleep!!! ack.
i’m looking forward to being able to sleep in on saturday. and sunday. and tuesday.
i passed over the ‘hump’ of work that was dragging me down and have a better handle on it now. not that i’m any less busy, but i’m at least more comfortable in monitoring where things are heading.
comicopia deadline tomorrow, stuff is moving, and life moves too 🙂 should be finished with the wedding invitations this weekend so we can mail them off on sunday or monday. that’s another item checked off. still have to pick up cameras and order our tuxes as well as hold a few more meetings, but the time is fast approaching. wow…
they were giving away free Klondike bars in the lobby today. mmmm. very good 🙂 a co-worker didn’t want hers so she gave it to me. mmmm. doubly-good. 🙂
i need coffee.